S  H  E   W  R  I  T  E  S  +

L E T ’S   G I V E    T H E M   S O M E T H I N G.  T O.   T A L K   A B O U T. .  

SHE WRITES+ is a Writer & Social Editor with a passion to empower, ambitious women to level up, and live their best life yet. Her stories speak to their passions, joys and concerns, giving them a platform to feel inspired and connect with their community. From fashions best buys, to culture current conversations and the none bullshit news they actually want to read. SHE WRITES+ is the go to destination for positive change and living life as the best version of you.

S E R V I C E S +

  • Crafted to inform and entertain, I offer valuable insights, tips and ideas that captivate my audience and position your brand as a thought leader.

  • I create website copy to welcome visitors with clear, compelling language that communicates a brand's story, values, and offerings, turning curious clicks into engaged customers.

  • My social copy doesn't just catch eyes; it grabs clicks. I design concise, persuasive social copy that speaks directly to your audience's needs, inspiring action and driving conversions.

  • My creativity ensures your ideas shine through expertly crafted content. Your voice remains, but the heavy lifting is taken care of.

  • Celebrate milestones, launches and achievements with press releases that highlight your brand's journey. With attention-grabbing headlines and compelling content writing, we turn your announcements into stories that media outlets can't ignore.

T H E  J O U R N A L +

S T O R I E S  F O R   W O M E N,  B Y  W O M E N,  T O  E M P O W E R   W O M E N